With the setting up of the Ramblers’ Association of Malta in February 2005, compulsive ramblers and casual walkers expect a better deal from the authorities starting with the publication of an official definitive map of the Maltese Islands identifying all the public paths as well as the restoration to public use of all the land that has been illegally appropriated. A right to unimpeded access to the foreshore is also being sought in areas where this has been rendered difficult or impossible.
The Ramblers Association of Malta now prides itself of a healthy and ever-growing membership and has embarked on its first year’s walks program primarily aimed at opening up relatively unknown areas of our countryside to ramblers who keenly participated in good numbers in these organised walks. Areas visited in this first year at Malta have been the prehistoric site at Il-Misqa, Wied Qirda, Il-Qattara and the medieval hamlet of Is-Simblija, the Bronze Age site at Il-Qlejgha tal-Bahrija, Rdum Majjesa and the cliffs at Miger Ilma. Indeed quite a few of the places visited are freely dotted with illegal no entry signs which seek to inhibit the bona fide rambler from access and enjoyment of these areas.
ERA member:
The Ramblers’ Association of Malta
P.O. Box 108
Sliema SLM1904
T: +356 213 421 21