The great interest for outdoor sport and particularly for walking has stimulated in every part of Italy the realization of path-nets that are integrated to those already existing and, in the past, especially situated along the alpine chain. The system of protected areas (from the National Parks to the oases of environmental protection) diffused along the whole peninsula and in the islands, have set in their agenda the exploitation of the territory through the recovery and the use of the local footpaths nets. In almost all Italian rural areas, from coasts to mountains, walking offer exists and maps and guidebooks are generally available very often also translated in English, French and German. These supports are generally granted free of charge, above all when distributed locally by the local offices. To the net of the alpine huts other structures have been added that can support the walkers along the Appennino Mountains that, even in limited number in comparison to those present on the Alps, can give useful support to those who wants to discover Central and Southern Italy using the footpath-nets. Information can easily be found through Internet where all the protected areas and the Municipalities are present with their web-sites though which, normally, on application, maps and brochures are sent by postal service. Generally the maps of paths are in 1:25 000 scale.
The Federazione Italiana Escursionismo (FIE) is responsible of management of the European Paths (E1, E5, E7 and E12). In recent years the FIE has involved men and resources for the realization of new parts of the E1 and the planning of the E12, the Mediterranean Path.
The E1 that in Italy takes origin in Porto Ceresio, crosses Lombardy, Liguria where it includes the Alta Via of Monti Liguri, Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio and Campania. In Campania the E1 has been completely brought in map and in 2010 a further sector of 120 kms has been inaugurated in the territory of the National Park of the Cilento e Vallo di Diano.
The E12 has been planned from Maratea (Basilicata) to Ventimiglia (Liguria) and some sectors are already practicable. Further information can be provided by the FIE and its Regional Committees.
Besides the European paths, the FIE takes care of the maintenance of the local paths, thanks to the members that works as volunteers. All the clubs of the FIE provide useful information about the conditions of paths, for accommodation and organization of a visit program.
ERA member:
Federazione Italiana Escursionismo (FIE)
Via Imperiale, 14
I-16143 Genova
T: + 39 010 3515736
F: + 39 010 2927415