
Marked footpaths exist all over the country. So many, in fact, that it is impossible to select some paths as more outstanding than others. Wherever you go there are walking possibilities. Countless guidebooks (Wanderfuehrer) and maps (Wanderkarten) describe the footpaths. The guidebooks contain suggestions for longer or shorter tours. Bookstores often have sections for walking guidebooks and publishers offer lists of their publications.

Numerous ramblers’ associations exist and the Verband Deutscher Gebirgs- und Wandervereine – Deutscher Wanderverband – is the “umbrella” organization of almost 56 large associations covering about 3,300 local ramblers groups. These associations maintain about 200,000 km of marked trails and about 500 trailside lodgings. The german association publishes a yearly magazine “Ferienwandern” in which some 300 organized walks in Germany and other European countries are described. The magazine appears in late autumn and can be ordered at a low cost. The walks are open for all those interested. This magazine contains an address list of the different ramblers´ associations in Germany and which can offer information about walking in their respective regions.


On the website 90 among the most outstanding paths an regions in Germany are described in detail, so as to meet the needs of today’s demanding ramblers. There everyone who wants to organize a walking holiday or a walking tour can find all necessary information at a glance: a path description, its length and height profile, maps of single routes as well as the addresses of the competent tourist organizations and ramblers’ associations.

Besides, “Wanderbares Deutschland” has developed two other pillars: on the one hand the brochures about practical guidelines, on the other hand those about quality criteria.

The first brochure “Praxisleitfaden zur Förderung des Wandertourismus” gives basic knowledge about walking and provides organizers with useful information about waymarking paths, direction instruments (maps, GPS, compasses) and fundraising opportunities. In the second brochure “Qualitätsoffensive Wandern” you can find a list of the criteria to assess the quality of route networks, accommodation and offers to be launched on the market.

The main objectives of “Wanderbares Deutschland” are both the improvement of the offer in the field of walking and marketing, so that more and more people become interested in it.

Four German trails, the AlbtraufgängerMoselsteigVeldenz Wanderweg and Zeugenbergrunde were awarded with the label “Leading Quality Trails – Best of Europe”.

These E-paths pass through Germany: E1, E3, E4, E5, E6, E8, E9, E10, E11.

ERA members:

Verband Deutscher Gebirgs- und Wandervereine e. V. (DWV)
Kleine Rosenstr. 1-3
D-34117 Kassel
T: + 49 561 93873-0
F: + 49 561 93873-10

Frankenwaldverein e.V.
Karlsgasse 7      
D-95 119  Naila
T: +49 9282 36 46
F: +49 9282 98 40 74

Harzklub e.V.
Bahnhofstraße 5a
D-38 678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
T: +49 5323 81 758

Mährisch-Schlesischer Sudetengebirgsverein e.V. (MSSGV)
Postfach 1335
D-73 221  Kirchheim / Teck  
T: +49 7023 90 88 23
F: +49 7023 90 88

Odenwaldklub e.V. 
Prinzenbau im Staatspark Fürstenlager
D-64 625 Bensheim-Auerbach
T: +49 6251 855856
F: +49 6251 855858                                                          

Sauerländischer Gebirgsverein e.V. (SGV)
Hasenwinkel 4
D-59 821  Arnsberg
T: +49 2931 5248 – 13
F: +49 2931 5248 – 15

Schwäbischer Albverein e.V.
Hospitalstr. 21b
D-70 174  Stuttgart
T: +49 711 225 850
F: +49 711 225 8592

Schwarzwaldverein e.V.            
Schlossbergring 15
D-79 098  Freiburg
T: +49 761 380 53 – 0
F: +49 761 380 53 – 20                                                            

Spessartbund e.V.
Treibgasse 3
D-63 739 Aschaffenburg
T: +49 6021 15224

Westerwaldverein e.V.
Koblenzer Straße 17
D-56 410 Montabaur
T: +49 2602 9496 690

Wiehengebirgsverband Weser – Ems e.V.
Rolandsmauer 23a 
D-49 074  Osnabrück 
T: +49 541 29 77 1
F: +49 541 20 16 18

Postfach 100844             
D-57 008  Siegen
T: +49 271 57097             
F: +49 271 24427


Deutscher Alpenverein
Postfach 50 02 20
D-80972 München