As the AW’s representative to the International Committee of Mediterranean Games (ICMG), which brings together 26 nations from the Mediterranean basin, ERA is the official institution that validates the participation of National Olympic Committees in international AW competitions.
New members are therefore likely to join ERA and AWSC to be accredited so that their country’s teams can participate in international competitions.
AWSC has put in place a training framework to train monitors and create AW clubs. The network of AWSC-approved instructors includes about ten people spread out to date in France, Italy, Spain, and Germany. ERA delivers through this way European diplomas of AW monitors.
IAW (International Aqua Walking) organizes the AW Tour which includes 3 or 4 stages every year. The 2018 and 2019 editions were a great success. 2020 and 2021 could not take place due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
In 2022, AWSC was leading the organization of the first European challenge which took place in Rosas, Catalonia from 23 to 25 September 2022 with four teams from France, Catalunya, Italy, and Bavaria.
In 2023, le Aqua Walking Games was organized by IAW for ERA in Mandelieu in the south of France on 13-15 October 2023 with 6 teams from France, Italy, Catalunya, Bavaria, Algeria, and Tunisia.
schipon(at)ffrandonnee.fr (replace (at) with @