Updated: 23-2-2024

The work with the competition activities is coordinated by the Competition Activities Working Group.
The group is established by and refers to the ERA Board.

The Competition Activities Working Group at the moment consists of 1 member with special interest in the Competition: Sophie Chipon (ERA Board, France).

Composition and purpose, goals, and tasks will be changed later.

The purpose, goals and tasks of the group are as following:

Implement the Project Plan of ERA Competition Activities’Strategy.
Implement and coordinate Competition activitiesin which teams representing ERA members, including ERAaffiliated MOS, can participate.
Coordinate the projects of the competition activities, e.g. Aqua Walking European Challenge, “European Olympic Games” outdoor competition, etc.

To create a network in which MOs can have the opportunity to exchange experiences and disseminate their sporting activities in other European countries.
To make greater interest in the youth population with competition ‘s challenges!

2019: The first decision about Sports Competition was established in the ERA Strategy.
2020: A census of the sports activities practised by the MOs was carried out by filling in a questionnaire.
2020: Due to the COVID pandemic, a field development activity was stopped.
2021 and 2022: The analysis of activities to be proposed to the MOs (which had expressed interest in developing cooperation in nature sports activities) continued.
2023: An implementation of the first project about an event related to the Sport Competition in nature (Nature and Competition) will be done to define the roadmap of spreading different competition activies (which are active and take place at our MOs).

Activities will be done with the mandatory involvement of local MOs.

The working group establishes the number of subgroups for each sector of Sport Competition.
The working group assesses and considers former and upcoming projects and supervises on activities.
Each subgroup communicates about the Competition event data and each other useful news on this webpage.

Chairman of the Working Group: Mimmo Pandolfo.
Chairman of subgroup Aqua Walking: Sophie Chipon.


  • Operating Manual My perfect International Walk Event – My perfect Cross-border Walk Event (to publish on the (ERA’s website)


You may contact the Competiotion Working Group at this email address:
competitions(at)era-ewv-ferp.com (replace (at) with @)