ERA’s Walk Leader (WL) program provides certification for member organizations that train volunteer walk leaders. A framework plan developed by ERA lists all requirements necessary for obtaining certification.
The framework has recently been revised to better respond to the variety of training programmes in the member associations and especially to meet new requirements, which, especially post covid, have emerged strongly.
On this occasion, the model was designed to be compliant with another important European standard: the European Qualification Framework (EQF)
Umbrella organizations can apply for certification and all their member clubs and organizations can benefit from it. Additionally, direct members of ERA with their own training programs are also eligible for certification.
What is the benefit from joining the ERA qualification framework for your organisation?
- Certification and mutual recognition of training help establish uniform standards for walk leaders across Europe. This ensures that high quality standards are upheld for guided walks This fosters cross-border cooperation
- The Framework provides guidelines, knowledge and skills. to improve (or build from scratch) the training model for hiking guides.
- Joining the programme allows you to share your experiences with other member organisations and gain mutual benefits.
- The framework is based on the best practice of ERA member organizations and the principles of European Qualification Framework. This means, that stronger systems from MO experiences are taken into account.
- The European Qualification Framework provides guidelines. The ERA Framework is developing the ones concerning hiking, like the other areas so cooperation with European Qualification Authority is reasonable.
If an organization wishes to participate in the Walk Leader programme, it must compare the content and methods of its existing training programme with the ERA Walk Leader Guidelines (download WL Guidelines).
The requirements for the training program and the minimum duration can be found in the document.
If the organization meets the minimum requirements, it should send the checklist to the ERA secretariat (secretariat@era-ewv-ferp.com) together with ERA Walk Leader Request of Evaluation document (download WL Evaluation). If the working group responsible for reviewing the training contents and methods approves the application, an agreement for certification (download WG Agreement) of the member organization will be made with a duration of 5 years.
The certified organizations will receive a diploma from ERA, which confirms that their training meets ERA standards. However, the organizations are still responsible for the education of their voluntary walk leaders. ERA will monitor the quality of the education provided by the certified organizations to ensure that it stays at the required level throughout the 5-year certification period.
The certification allows an organization to use the “Walk Leader” ERA logo on their voluntary walk leaders’ identification and training diplomas. Additionally, it permits the certified organization to purchase “Walk Leader” pins for their trained voluntary walk leaders. However, being trained in a certified organization does not automatically grant voluntary walk leaders permission to lead walks across Europe. They are only authorized to lead walks in their respective areas while adhering to national laws, rules, and regulations. Furthermore, it is important to note that voluntary walk leaders do not receive extra insurance from ERA; they are only covered by the insurance of their national or regional organization.
ERA charges €200.00 for certification valid for 5 years. Renewal requires another payment of €200.00.
The ERA secretariat sells pins for voluntary walk leaders to certified organizations for €1.75 each. The organizations can set their own prices for distribution.
In case an organization requires assistance to meet standards, has questions or needs information, contact the ERA secretariat (secretariat@era-ewv-ferp.com).