ERA 53. Conference in 2022 will be held in Helsingør, Denmark from 29th September to 2nd October 2022.
Download the documentation for the Conference here:
We are pleased to welcome you to the annual meeting of the European Ramblers Association (ERA) in Denmark.

The 53. ERA Conference will be held in Helsingør (Elsinore in English) – “The city of Hamlet” situated 45 km north of Copenhagen.
The city dates back to the 13th Century. It’s location by the narrowest part of the Sound with only 4 km to the Swedish coast has defined the city historically.

Kronborg Castle known worldwide as the setting of Shakespeare´s drama Hamlet was inscribed on UNESCO´s World Heritage list in 2000. Travelers are welcomed by Hamlet and Ophelia just outside Helsingør railway station.

The Conference Center – Konventum – can be reached by bus (10 min) or by walking (3 km). The surroundings are spectacular with the most beautiful view of the sound and the E-Path E6 is just outside the door. This area is known as “Nationalpark Kongernes Nordsjælland” (The Royal North Sealand).