Exploring the Lechweg: A Leading Quality Trail from the source to the fall

Embark on an unforgettable journey along the Lechweg, a Leading Quality Trail that spans 125 kilometers from the source of the Lech river in the Austrian Alps to Fussen in Germany. This trail offers an exceptional combination of pristine nature, rich cultural heritage, and serene landscapes.

Trail Highlights:

  • Scenic Beauty: The Lechweg takes you through one of Europe’s last wild river landscapes. Enjoy panoramic alpine views, lush meadows, and the vibrant blue waters of the Lech river.
  • Cultural Heritage: Pass through charming villages showcasing traditional Alpine architecture and immerse yourself in local culture and history. Highlights include historic wooden bridges and the town of Füssen with its famous castles.
  • Natural Wonders: Discover natural marvels such as the picturesque Lechschlucht, where the river has carved its path through ancient rock formations.

Environmental Conservation: The Lechweg is managed with a focus on sustainability, ensuring the protection of the river’s ecosystem. Hikers are encouraged to follow Leave No Trace principles to preserve the natural environment.

Community Support: The trail supports local communities by promoting local businesses and services. This fosters a sustainable tourism model that benefits the local economy and enhances the hiking experience.

Plan your adventure on the Lechweg and experience one of Europe’s finest hiking trails. Visit the official website for detailed information on the trail and tips for planning your hike. Support sustainable hiking by exploring the Lechweg and contributing to the preservation of this unique natural landscape.