European Walking Day

ERA initiated new way of visibility in walking all over the Europe. Let's celebrate the EUROPEAN WALKING DAY, by organising walking in our local frame with the hashtags #beactive on #europeanwalkingday. From now, let us promote, organise and dedicate our actions on the first Saturday of the European Week of Sport.  NOTE - European Week ... Read more

International Landscape Day

The International Landscape Day is organised by the Council of Europe to celebrate the European Landscape Convention. It takes place every year on October 20, the day on which the convention was first published in Florence in 2000. The Landscape Day shall bring together all actors on landscape with their divers activities. We would like ... Read more

2022 Autumn webinar with ERA MOs

The topic is “Projects”. ERA member organisations are welcome to join us from 15:00 hrs. The main discussion will be about the common projects, where you can find your place too.The invitation with the detailed programme will be sent directly to the ERA member addresses.

ERA Board Meeting

Strasbourg The Board will among others discuss Strategic Plans 2023, projects and programmes, activities, partners and stakeholders.

3rd European Winter Walking Days

Place: Pillersee Tal, Austria. PillerseeTal, Tyrol, in the neigbourhood of the famous Kitzbüheler Horn With an average of 6.71 meters of new snow per winter, the PillerseeTal in the Kitzbüheler Alpen can call itself the „snowiest region of Tirol“. Here, where more snow falls than anywhere else in Tirol, guests experience their white wonder. On ... Read more

ERA Board meeting

Lisbon The Board meeting will be connected to the E-paths Working Group meeting on 20th April.

Leading Quality Trails – Best of Europe, Day Walk

The Leading Quality Trails - Best of Europe, Day Walk will be presented at this webinar. Want to showcase your trail as one of Europe's best? Find out how the Leading Quality Trails certification can make it happen. Sign up for our webinar on 7th June! The ERA Day Walk Expert Group will present the ... Read more

E9 meeting in France

Gironde on Foot. FFRP invite all member organisations along E9 to a common E9 meeting in France. The meeting will be part of Gironde on Foot. The event consisted of meeting and walks along E9. Official invitation to ERA member organisation along E9 Public programme International programme