Baltic Coastal Hiking

Official opening of the E9 in the Baltics Baltic Coastal Hiking is a long-distance hiking route, part of E9, along the Baltic Sea coast. The total length of the route is 1,200 km, from which 580 km are in Latvia and 620 km in Estonia. The Latvian name of the trail is Jūrtaka, the Estonian ... Read more

E11 opening in Lahemaa national park

With a hiking tour on September 4 in Lahemaa national park, Estonia the Forest Trail will be launched as part of E11 long distance hiking path of the European hiking path network.

Be active on the E-paths

#beactive on the #epaths European Week of Sport takes place every year from 23. to 30. September using the hashtag #beactive. ERA encourage you to walk on the E-paths as part of #beactive.

Pan-Baltic hiking online conference

The Pan-Baltic hiking online conference on November 9, 2021will celebrate the success of the Baltic Trails ( connecting Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania with the European network of hiking paths as part of the routes E9 (Baltic Coastal Hiking) and E11 (Baltic Forest trail). The conference will bring together stakeholders sharing experiences in planning, implementation, management and maintenance of long ... Read more

12 E-paths One Europe

Campaign by Wandermagazin & OutdoorWelten on E-path E1. The kick-off event will take place at the Hermanns-Monument in Detmold, Germany. It marks the start of the long-distance hike, divided into four time periods and 78 stages. The last hiking team will arrive in Constance in mid-October 2022. The hiking summit weekend on May 21st and 22nd, 2022 ... Read more

Start of E1 event in Padborg

German hikers will from 24th of May to 20th of October walk along E-path E1 to Konstanz. The walk is part of a 12 year project, where Deutsche Wandermagasin and ERA will walk on and promote an E-path each year. In 2022 the focus is on E1. See ERA's webpage about the project. The event ... Read more

ERA E-paths webinar

The E-paths 50 years anniversary will among others be celebrated as a virtual conference on Zoom and streamed on ERAs Facebook page. It will also be visible on YouTube after 2nd of July. Access is without registration. On the 2 July 1972, the first E-path crossing E1 & E5 was born. It happened in Konstanz ... Read more

50th years anniversary of the E-paths

ERA celebrate the 50th years anniversary of the E-paths with a physical event in Konstanz, Germany, close to where E1, E4 and E5 meet. Festive celebration in Konstanz. The event will be streamed on ERAs Facebookpage and available on the ERAs YouTube channel after 2nd of July. E-paths friends are welcome to participate in person ... Read more