PATH – Third virtual meeting

On Monday 20th January the third meeting of the international working group that is developing the PATH Project took place.

The meeting, which was very operational, allowed us

  • to view the first results of the survey that it had been decided to promote among young people (target age 6-30 years),
  • to monitor the actual attention paid by the new generations to the subject of hiking.
    Once processed, these data will form the basis on which to develop a strategy aimed at encouraging young people to go hiking and to take on responsibilities within the associations that promote this and other sports. If the morning is a good omen… the PATH Project seems to have got off on the right foot.

It was decided to use the web platform as a site for the collection and online dissemination of the materials and outputs produced by the team.


But the work is not limited to meetings, it goes on in parallel with a constant flow of documents and materials. We are finally able to present the project logo in its four variants, bearing in mind that it must always be accompanied by that of the European Union, co-financer of the initiative. Among the many available, we have chosen to use – and will always use – the following: