The ERA Board met from 9 to 12 February 2023, for the first time this year, in Strasbourg (F) in the Centre St. Thomas, near to the important European buildings.
The Board went through a heavy agenda. The focus was on the Strategy plans in 2023 and how to fulfil them. Important points were:
- improvement and approval of ERA Strategy plans for 2023
- approval to become a partner for 3 ERASMUS+ projects (the results of calls should be announced until summer 2023)
- approval of Financial statement for 2022
- approval of the agreement between ERA and Deutscher Wanderverband Service to transfer a complete knowledge for the LQT-BE, Day Walks and the creation of the group of the ERA LQT-BE, Day Walks’ experts
- Walk Leader document for the first level of the certification
- creation of the new working group “Quality” which should be an upper committee including LQT-BE and ERA Recommends
- negotiations with ERA partners
- knowledge of the E9 promotion and events held on E9 in 2023
- 2023 ERA spring webinar (topics: ERA projects – evaluation & Cultural Routes)
- European Winter Walking Days 2023 and 2024
- ERA conference 2023 – the information for the election of one half of the ERA Board
- meeting with the vice-president of the World Trails Network, Hartmut Wimmer, about the future cooperation concerning trails
During a short day walk in the European quarter, the ERA Board visited the memorial plate connected with the first EURORANDO 2001. The final week with more then 12,000 participants from the whole Europe was organised in Strasbourg. The plate is located in the neighbourhood of the Palais de l’Europe, the seat of the Council of Europe.
Photos: Mimmo Pandolfo, Rúben Jordao