European meeting
E9 a trail on the European coastline
The meeting took place from 22nd to 24th of June in Soulac-sur-Mer (Nouvelle Aquitaine), France, with participants from ERA member organisations along the E9.

First day
FFRandonnée introduced and ERA presented the history and basics of the E-paths.

Afterwards, each part of E9 was presented by ERA president and the represented member organisations.

Second day
Cerema presented France Vue sur Mer.

Afterwards, Parc naturel regional Medoc presented, how to protect the nature and how to behave in the nature as a tourist.

FFRandonnée then presented, how a federation could take action.

The French speakers mentioned the two seminars below:
- Seminar on the sustainable management of visitor numbers, organised by the Réseau des Grands Sites de France, which took place on 7 June 2023. This was an exchange between various actors on the damage observed in France and reflections on how to improve the management of the tourist offer, the number of visitors on protected natural sites, etc. You can find all the information here (replay, programme, article).
– The 5th Fête de la mer et des littoraux, from 6 to 9 July. 1,500 local events are taking place throughout France to raise public awareness of the issues surrounding the sea and coastlines and maritime heritage. You can find a map of all the events here.
In the afternoon, there was a short hike north of Soulac-sur-mer.

3rd day
The 3rd day, we followed the public programme “Gironde a’ pied” (Gironde on foot), which was a 17 km hike in 32 degrees (in shade).

Thank you to FFRandonnée and the Comité départemental de Gironde (local FFRP Gironde walking club) for a good organisation and warm welcome in this corner of Europe.