
E4 runs along the Iberian peninsula on its western side. Cross the Pyrenees in Catalonia looking for the limestone mountain ranges that line the Mediterranean to the south of the Valencian Community. After passing the Region of Murcia upon entering Andalusia it is divided into two branches; the north branch runs through the Guadalquivir Valley and the south branch approaches the high mountains of the Sierra Nevada National Park. They come together to end in Tarifa.
Following this path, you can visit “Los Dólmenes de Antequera”, a World Heritage Site and the Sierras Subbéticas Geopark, both in Andalusia.
Starting Point
Puigcerdá (Cataluña)
End Point
Tarifa (Andalucía)
Which cities and towns does the E-path pass through
- Puigcerda (Cataluña)
- Morella, Alcoi, Elda (Comunidad Valenciana)
- Cieza, Calasparra, Moratalla (Región de Murcia)
- Cazorla, Baza, Alcalá La Real, Antequera, Ronda, Tarifa (Andalucía)
2267 km. active
Ground path of the E-path
- GR® 4. Cataluña, Stages 1-11
- GR® 172, Cataluña, Stages 9-10
- GR® 7 – Cataluña- Stages 1-24
- GR® 7- Valencia: Stages 25- 51
- GR® 7- Región de Murcia. Stages 52-58
- GR® 7. Andalucia, Stages 59-102
Responsible organisations
Cataluña. Federación de Entitats Excursionistes de Cataluña
Valencia. Federación de Derpotes de Montaña y Escalada de la Comunidad Valenciana
Región de Murcia. Federación de Montañismo de la Región de Murcia
Andalucía. Federación Andaluza de Montañismo.
Electronic Information
Búsqueda avanzada
Sendero Europeos E 4
By region
Comunidad Valenciana
Región de Murcia
Marking system

Crossing other E-paths:
The European Trail E4 and the Europe Trail E7 have the same route from GR®7 Stage 13 (Bellprat) until GR® 7 Stage 24 (Fredes).
In Tarifa (end/start) it meets E7. In future E9 will arrive.
In the northern section of the Valencian Community, the E4 passes through a rural area with small towns that have little possibility of accommodation and other services. On the rest of the trail there are possibilities, either on the trail or in nearby towns
Regarding the existence of restaurants and shops to buy food, the situation is similar to that of accommodation. Inside the Valencian Community it is convenient to consult the municipal websites to find out what services there are
The public transport network in many sections is scarce. The use of the taxi is recommended.
In the southern part of the trail, in summer, you have to carry a lot of water in your backpack, get up early and protect yourself from the sun, because the temperatures are high
Weather sites:
Geoparque Sierras Subbéticas