E12 in Spain


Route description will follow later.

Starting Point

Portbou (Cataluña)

End Point

Tarifa (Andalucía)

Which cities and towns does the E-path pass through


772 km.

Ground path of the E-path

  • GR® 92 – Cataluña- Stages 1-24
  • GR® 92 – Andalucía –  Stages 75- 86 

Responsible organisations

Cataluña: Federación de Entitats Excursionistes de Cataluña  www.feec.cat

Aragón: Federación Aragonesa de Montañismo www.fam.es

Castilla y León: Federación de Deportes de Montaña , Escalada y Senderismo de Castilla y Léon www.fclm.com

Extremadura: Federación Extremeña de Montañismo www.fexme.com

Andalucía: Federación Andaluza de Montañismo  www.fedamon.com

Electronic Information


Búsqueda avanzada
Sendero Europeos E12

By region

Cataluña: senders.feec.cat

Andalucía: fadmes.es/

Marking system

Crossing other E-paths

The European Trail E12 join the E7 in Tarifa.



The Spanish coast of the Mediterranean is an international tourist destination. There are many places and different categories to accomodation. The accommodation opening season is usually from spring to autumn.


Apart from restaurants and other places to eat, open in the tourist season, you can buy food in all the towns that the E 12 crosses


There are bus services and in many cases train, between the coastal population centers in both Catalonia and Andalusia. Using the taxi is also possible. 


In summer and, above all, in Andalusia you must bring sun protection: hat, protective cream, etc.


Weather sites: www.aemet.es/es/portada