Mediteranska pešpot
Škofije (border with Italy) – Ankaran – Koper – Izola – Strunjan – Piran – Portorož – Sečovlje (Plovanija) (border with Croatia).

On the way you can collect stamps at 3 checkpoints , print them in the diary and send it to the following address: Turistična zveza Slovenije, Miklošičeva cesta 38, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. You will receive a memorial badge for the trip and will be invited to the annual meeting of European travelers in Slovenia.
Starting Point
Škofije (border with Italy)
End Point
Sečovlje (border with Croatia)
Which cities and towns does the E-path pass through
From the point of contact with the Italian route, the trail follows the ”Parenzana” above the former Škofije border crossing, along it to Škofije, then right along the route of the Slovenian mountain trail to Hrvatini and down to Ankaran. Along the road towards Koper through Ankaranian Bonifika on the viaduct over the railway, along the footpath and sidewalks past the Škocjanski zatok to Porsche building. From here past the port entrance and proceed onto the northern bypass on Pristaniška cesta and along the Semedelska promenada to the underpass of the highway in Semedela. Follow it past Žusterna in the direction of Izola, to the roundabout, then turn right onto Cankarjev drevored street, via Tovarniška street and Ob pečini street to the north coast, via Kopališka ulica to Veliki trg and Sončno nabrežje to parking area Lonka. Continue through the marina to Simonov Zaliv and along the coastal hiking trail to Belevedere, where the path joins the E6 European hiking trail (Ciglerjeva pot). E6 and E12 lead along a cart track that descends from the Belvedere area towards Cape Ronek and continues along the path above the cliff from Mesečev zaliv to Krka Hotel. From The Krka Hotel, E6 and E12 run together past the Lambada Inn and along the path on the edge of the Strunjanske soline to Salinera Hotel. In a bend above the hotel complex turn right onto a horizontal path to Pacug and down to Fiesa. From here the path climbs up to the Piran church, descends to Punta and continues along the coast to Tartini Trg and then to Fornače, Bernardin and via Portorož to the car camp in Lucija. From here the trail continues around the cape Seča below Forma viva and along Jernejev kanal to Seča, then along the edge of the Salt Pans to Sečovlje and to the border crossing Sečovlje where it enters Croatian territory.
50 km, 3 days easy walking
Ground path of the E-path
The trail connects several mountain paths and theme trails.
Responsible organisation(s)
Planinska zveza Slovenije/Alpine Associaton of Slovenia, Dvorakova 9, 1000 Ljubljana
Tel. 00 386 1 434 56 80, fax. 00 386 1 434 56 91,, ,
KEUPS (Komisija za evropske pešpoti v Sloveniji), Večna pot 2, 1000 Ljubljana,
Publications and Maps
Slovenska Istra, Čičarija, Brkini in Kras 1:50.000, Planinska zveza Slovenije, 2010 , .
Marking system
The E12 footpath in Slovenia is marked with a round mark with a yellow center and red border.
The symbol used for the marking of footpaths is also a yellow arrow.

Crossing other E-paths
E12 crosses E6 in the west/middle of Slovenia, in Strunjan.
There are different possibilities of accommodation in hotels, inns, hostels, etc. In agreement with the owners, you can also pitch your tent in several places.
You can buy food in shops on the way or eat in inns. It is not necessary to take food with you.
Trains cover most of the country , as do busses . (Railway station: Koper)
Suitable and comfortable shoes, no special equipment is needed for the trip.
For additional questions along the trail, you can contact the coordinators of the European hiking trails: