E8 in Czech Republic


The trail runs along the southern border of the Czech Republic in the area of South Moravia around the Vranov dam, above which rises historical monuments. On the next section of the path you can explore the natural attractions of the Podyjí National Park.

Starting Point:

Vratěnín A/CZ

End Point:

Horecký kopec CZ/A

Which cities and towns does the E-path pass through:

Bítov, Vranov nad Dyjí


63 km

Ground path of the E-path:

Waymarked trails done by the unified waymarking system of the Klub českých turistů (Czech Tourist Club)

Responsible organisation(s):

Czech Tourist Club


Printed maps of the Czech Tourists Club or web map application https://mapy.cz/s/haluvokelo  

See schematic details of route here (PDF)

Marking system:

Directional signs at information points:      

Route marking:

Crossing other E-paths:

No crossing


Links to information about accommodation, meals and transport on the route can be found on the website in the Mapy.cz application (https://en.mapy.cz/turisticka?x=15.6252330&y=49.8022514&z=8 )


Map : https://en.mapy.cz/turisticka?x=15.6252330&y=49.8022514&z=8

Weather: https://www.chmi.cz/?l=en