Get off the couch

How to get out and hike

Get off the couch – make the decision and ignore the excuses to stay seated. Most of us sit for more hours than we sleep. But prolonged sitting is one of the most dangerous things for health, even worse than obesity. Movement and physical activity are the healthiest things you can offer your body.
Get off the couch! Yes, it’s nice on the couch – especially after a good hike.
Get off the couch. From weight and cholesterol levels to blood pressure, mood, and memory, there are benefits. It’s easy, cheap, and without side effects. A brisk 20-minute walk every day can be enough to reduce the risk of early death. The weather is no obstacle. Often, the weather is better outside than it looks through the windows.

Read more about the health benefits of hiking

Read about the physical and mental benefits of hiking here.

Did you know that nearly every third of the population is insufficiently physical inactive

Find your path

Once you’ve decided to go for a walk, you need to figure out where to go.
You may find your trails at this country page.

The right footwear

It’s important to walk in proper footwear. A pair of good walking or running shoes are fine for city walks. But if you want to go into nature, it is recommended to buy real hiking shoes or boots. These can be bought in most outdoor stores.
Remember that shoes or boots should be big enough so that it doesn’t hurt your toes when walking downhill. You can test if they work by “hanging” your heel on a step. If they pinch, start by clipping your toenails – sometimes that’s all it takes.
If they fit in the shoes, it’s a good idea to wear a layer of thin synthetic socks inside and a layer of wool socks outside. The two layers of socks rub against each other instead of against your skin, reducing the risk of blisters. The advantage of wool socks is that they also keep warm when wet.

Clothing in layers

It’s a good idea to dress in layers when hiking. First, because the air between the layers keeps you warm, and second, because it’s possible to adjust the number of layers to the warmth you’ve worked up to.

  1. Layer: Wear wool, silk, or sweat-wicking underwear.
  2. Layer: Shirt and canvas trousers (e.g., summer trousers). Avoid jeans or corduroy trousers, as they take a long time to dry.
  3. Layer: Fleece or wool sweater.
  4. Layer: Windproof jacket. An air layer that warms will also form between the sweater and the jacket. It’s a good idea to choose a jacket that can also be used in the rain. Always bring rain gear if there’s the slightest risk of rain – it can ensure a good trip.

Make it cozy when you’re out

When you’re out, make the trip pleasant and enjoyable. Take breaks along the way. Pass by interesting places to experience.
Bring food and drink and find a good place to take a break. If there are more of you, these breaks are often pleasant spots for conversation.
You can often walk further than you think you can when you’re with others. So try arranging a trip with good friends or family.

Read more about walking and hiking here