Transport from Copenhagen airport

Train from Copenhagen Airport (departure every 20 minutes) to Helsingør Station: 1 hour.

When you have passed Customs at the airport’s arrival hall, continue straight ahead and follow the signs to all Trains. Nearly at the end of the hall, you will find many red ticket vending machines and shops from which you can buy train tickets to Helsingør.

Here you may buy tickets to Helsingør

You can also buy online train tickets at Omio or at Deutsche Bahn.

The regional trains depart at the basement below Terminal 3 in the direction of Copenhagen. The Metro departs at the ‘1.floor’ at the end of the hall.

Please note, that you have to change train on your own and according to Google Maps.

We recommend to find trains at Google Maps:

Transport from Copenhagen Central Station

We recommend to find trains at Google Maps:

Transport in Helsingør

From Helsingør Station to Konventum and Danhostel
On the arrival date Thursday 29th September we offer you a free shuttlebus from outside the main entrance of Helsingør Station directly to Danhostel Helsingør and Konventum (about 10 min transport). Departure is at 3:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 5:00 and 6:05 PM directly to Danhostel Helsingør and Konventum (about 10 min transport).

When arriving or parting outside the shuttlebus schedule, you use the public transportation:

Bus 803 to Hellebo Park or
Local train 950R to Højstrup St.
Transport time is approximately 7 minutes, followed by 7-14 minutes walk.

From Helsingør Station to Danhostel Helsingør

Bus 803 to Gefionsvej or
Local train 950R to Højstrup St.
Transport time is approximately 7 minutes, followed by a 7-12 minutes walk.

Return directly to the airport

On the departure date Sunday 2nd October we offer you a free bus transfer to the airport.
Departure time from Konventum is 9:00 AM and from Danhostel Helsingør 9:10 AM.
The bus will arrive at Copenhagen Airport at about 10:20 AM.