Close to 43 500 kilometers of footpaths are marked in the country. There are attractive mountain areas, especially in the northern and southern Bohemia (Krkonoše, Šumava) and northern Moravia (Beskydy), romantic rocks (Prachovské skály), rivers (Vltava) and ponds (southern Bohemia). The country cross E3, E6, E10 and is touched by E8.
Czech Trail (Stezka Českem): 1,000 and 1,000-kilometer First Official Czech Thru-Hike Trail offers an opportunity to set off on a beautiful and inspirational hike across the country. It is entirely up to you when, where, which direction and how you start. You can do the whole hike in one go, North or South Trail, a round trip, or do sections one by one. From one hut to another, or sleep in a tent. Walk slowly or quickly – or you can run. Anyone can do it! The website gives all the information necessary to start the hike: including the length of the trail, maps tips on how to start etc.
More then 39 000 kilometers of marked cycle routes. This network of cycle routes is connected to the European network of Eurovelo routes. Eurovelo routes 4, 7, 9, and 13 run across the country in different directions.
Czech Tourist Club (KCT) is the publisher of walking maps covering the entire territory of the Czech Republic. These maps contain, besides walking and geographical information, drawings of all marked footpaths, cross-country-ski trails and cycle routes. The series of maps in the scale of 1:50 000 (the so called ‘green maps’) serve for walking and cross-country skiing. In view of the fact that KCT ensures the maintenance of all marked trails in the Czech Republic, these maps provide the most reliable information about their route. Apart from KCT, several other walking map publishers exist, whose series however do not cover the entire territory of the Czech Republic. The KCT walking maps can be bought via e-shop, and with the maps of other publishers can be bought from the existing network of bookshops.
System of waymarking trails in CZ
Wegearkierungssystem in CZ
ERA member:
Klub českých turistů (KCT – Czech Tourist Club)
(Revoluční 1056/8a)
P.O.Box 37
CZ-11005 Praha 1
T: +420 251 610 181